Your Best Life Begins Here!

Welcome to your safe space with Coach Jola-Grace Emmanuel

About Me

My mandate is to help you rise above your past, heal and reinvent yourself for an excellent life.

The prosperity of the Soul is the foundation of the prosperity of every other area of our lives.
We are created with emotions and our emotions are connected to our body and when we go through TRAUMA, it generates negative emotions which in turn have the potential to
degenerate into diseases in our physical bodies.
There is life after TRAUMA; the negative event you went through is not your fault, but HEALING is your responsibility.
HEALING is a JOURNEY; you need to be patient with yourself.

Emotional Healing Online Course


How Can I Help?

Begin your journey to enjoy wholeness, satisfaction and inner peace with a Personal Coaching program.

Suitable for groups of three (3) people or more.

Public Speaking

Book Coach Jola Grace for Keynotes, Panels and other events.

My Products

What My Clients Says

My experience with the soul doctor has been PHENOMENAL if I had to wrap it up in one word! As a domestic survivor and advocate, she has taught me that there is a beautiful life after abuse and trauma if only you can heal responsibly! Coach Jola really breaks down the nitty gritty of trauma, negative emotions, abuse in lay man’s terms so that anyone regardless of educational background can understand!


I was completely lost and in a dark place in life. I was suffering from burnout and overwhelm. Stuck and feeling like nothing was working. Then I met coach Jola-Grace and that was the beginning of my journey to finding me. Thank you Coach, for answering the call. Thank you for saving me. I am grateful.


Having been through abuse, meeting with the soul doctor helped me reconnect with my lost self, restore my sense of value for me, forgive myself for the choices that led to the abuse, eliminate rumination and so many others. The many modules and take homes showed me how to heal and now I am once again a vibrant, goal seeking, happy and beautiful person

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