About Me

Rise above your past, heal and reinvent yourself for an excellent life.​

Jola-Grace Emmanuel is the SOUL DOCTOR.
She is a certified Life &  Trauma Recovery Coach and she helps trauma victims, the
broken, emotionally wounded and abused to heal and reinvent themselves for an excellent life.

Even though she had her first degree in Accountancy and her second degree in Financial Decision Analysis, Jola-Grace is passionate about the HEALTH and HEALING of the SOUL. She is a Mental Health Advocate; a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, an associate member of
the European Mentoring and coaching Council, a Counsellor, a Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner Therapist, an Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting Therapist, an author and a public speaker with over 15 years experience.


She launched the Belle Initiative and Belle Magazine in 2015; an initiative that helped women to harness their inner and outer beauty. She and also produced and hosted a weekly talk show on DSTV.
Jola-Grace went through many years of Domestic Violence and Abuse and has now reinvented herself from a place of pain, low self esteem, depression and suicide ideation to a place of confidence, wholeness, fearlessness and PURPOSE.
She has a mandate to help people recover from traumatic experiences, heal and rediscover themselves, understand interpersonal relationship dynamics, feel good about themselves, develop a healthy self esteem, boost self confidence and self worth and overall REINVENT themselves for an excellent life after Trauma.
She has helped many to do all these through one on one therapy and coaching sessions, group
therapy sessions, group training, masterclasses, bootcamps and public speaking.

What My Clients Says

Coach Jola-Grace helped me discover what I am really made of. With her help, I’ve set new standards for myself, and I’ve taken  my life–to a whole new level!


I was completely lost and in a dark place in life. I was suffering from burnout and overwhelm. Stuck and feeling like nothing was working. Then I met coach Jola-Grace and that was the beginning of my journey to finding me. Thank you Coach, for answering the call. Thank you for saving me. I am grateful.


I feel on top of the world. I feel incredible, I feel motivated, I feel empowered. I am the master of my own destiny.

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